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MS Word Keyboard Shortcuts: But when using the Office application or the short cut key board to work with messenger while working on MS Word, it takes a lot of time to work. But not on MS Word, keyboard shortcuts are very important for any computer to work quickly. . And sometimes it takes a lot of time to work with the mouse, so it takes much less time if the keyboard is cut short.
Some of MS Word's key keyboard shortcuts
MS Word Keyboard Shortcuts: So you need to know some of the most important keyboard shortcuts used in Office applications or MS Word.
1) Ctrl + N: - Comment will create a new document.
2) Ctri + Enter: - You can take another page.
3) Use Ctrl + W: - to close all documents in MS Word.
4) Ctrl + S: - Use MS Word to store all types of documents.
5) Ctrl + Shift + S: - It is used for the Save As command. It is used to save the document to another location or another name.
6) Ctrl + O: - Use it to open any other document in MS Word file.
7) Ctrl + C: - You can take any document from the document using it.
8) Ctrl + X: - You can delete any document in the document using it.
9) Ctrl + V: - Copy or cut any text of MS Word and keep it somewhere.
10) Ctrl + P: - Used to print any document in MS Word.
11) Ctrl + Z: - MS Word is used to retrieve any text from the user.
12) Ctrl + F: - MS Word is used to find a word.
12) Ctrl + H: - Used to replace any letter or word in the MS Word file with another letter or word.
MS Word Keyboard shortcuts:
13) Ctrl + G: - Used when navigating to a particular page in Word file.
14) Ctrl + B: - Used to make any line in a word file bold.
15) Ctrl + U: - Used to underline a line in a Word file.
18) Ctrl + I: - Used to represent any line in the MS Word file.
1) Ctrl + A: - Used to select all the contents of a Word file.
9) Ctrl + L: - MS Word is used to start writing from the left side.
28) Ctrl + E: - The text in the Word file is used to start somewhere.
28) Ctrl + R: - The text in the Word file is used to start from the right.
22) Ctrl + J: - All text in MS Word is used to equalize both sides.
28) Ctrl + [: - Shorten the text in MS Word.
25) Ctrl +]: - Enhance font in MS Word.

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