MS Word Keyboard Shortcuts: But when using the Office application or the short cut key board to work with messenger while working on MS Word, it takes a lot of time to work. But not on MS Word, keyboard shortcuts are very important for any computer to work quickly. . And sometimes it takes a lot of time to work with the mouse, so it takes much less time if the keyboard is cut short.
MS Word Keyboard Shortcuts: So you need to know some of the most important keyboard shortcuts used in Office applications or MS Word.
1) Ctrl + N: - Comment will create a new document.
2) Ctri + Enter: - You can take another page.
3) Use Ctrl + W: - to close all documents in MS Word.
4) Ctrl + S: - Use MS Word to store all types of documents.
5) Ctrl + Shift + S: - It is used for the Save As command. It is used to save the document to another location or another name.
6) Ctrl + O: - Use it to open any other document in MS Word file.
7) Ctrl + C: - You can take any document from the document using it.
8) Ctrl + X: - You can delete any document in the document using it.
9) Ctrl + V: - Copy or cut any text of MS Word and keep it somewhere.
10) Ctrl + P: - Used to print any document in MS Word.
11) Ctrl + Z: - MS Word is used to retrieve any text from the user.
12) Ctrl + F: - MS Word is used to find a word.
12) Ctrl + H: - Used to replace any letter or word in the MS Word file with another letter or word.
MS Word Keyboard shortcuts:
13) Ctrl + G: - Used when navigating to a particular page in Word file.
14) Ctrl + B: - Used to make any line in a word file bold.
15) Ctrl + U: - Used to underline a line in a Word file.
18) Ctrl + I: - Used to represent any line in the MS Word file.
1) Ctrl + A: - Used to select all the contents of a Word file.
9) Ctrl + L: - MS Word is used to start writing from the left side.
28) Ctrl + E: - The text in the Word file is used to start somewhere.
28) Ctrl + R: - The text in the Word file is used to start from the right.
22) Ctrl + J: - All text in MS Word is used to equalize both sides.
28) Ctrl + [: - Shorten the text in MS Word.
25) Ctrl +]: - Enhance font in MS Word.
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